Runeberg cake competition! Yes, it's helmikuu/February once more, and we can't resist baking and tasting those delicious Runeberg cakes. Sparing a thought or two for Finland's national poet, whose wife invented these excellent delicacies. Pictured above is a selection of the cakes baked for today, on sale in the school's cafe; and to the right, there's Päivi supervising the supply of snacks and coffee.
Heidi organised a competition, which resulted in four different offerings, created in a variety of different styles as you can see. Some with alcohol, some not. The judges - pictured below, with the remains of the competition entries - gathered, tasted, conferred, and though sadly unable to appreciate the estimable qualities of Number 2, passed down their judgement; Kari was indeed the baker of the best Runeberg cakes. This year, anyway!