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Showing posts from 2018

Christmas Market

Keep the date and time. The day includes lot of activities and for example, the Most Beautiful Christmas Songs in Finnish, to be led by the head of the Finnish Church in London and rector Marjaana Härkönen starting at 12.00 pm and much more. Children have their own program from  10:00 am - 12:00 pm The cafeteria is open all day, so why not pop in and have a cup of hot drink with Finnish delicacies. Warm welcome.

Easy fundraising

Whether it’s your weekly food shopping or Christmas present orders please remember to activate your Easyfundraising before you visit online retailers and help raise some cashback for the Finnish School in Manchester at no cost to yourself! If you haven’t already signed up please do so, it only takes a couple of minutes and really helps boost our fundraising - please click on the following link to register:

Welcome to the theater! Tervetuloa teatteriin!

"The Soiva Sammakko is alone in the entire Aarnitammi because Petula Owl is on the way. Soiva Sammakko reads a book that tells about ufo and may be a bit too exciting because Soiva can not sleep. "But there is no ufo in Loiskulampi" he feels comforted and turned off the reading lamp. Just when he is falling asleep, there is a strange plop in the pond. The frog flies up from the bed and looks at the pond. "There seems to be something floating wonders the frog? " The Theater The Soiva Sammakko arrives at the Finnish School in Manchester on Saturday 20.10.18. The show starts at 10:30 and ends at around 11 am. After the show there is the opportunity to attend the workshop at 11:30 - 12:00 (limited places). Bunting: Theater free for members of the Suomi School of Manchester Workshop children £ 3 (adults free with children included) During the break the café and the shop are opening where a variety goodies and hot and cold drinks will be available. ...

Dates for Autumn term 2018

Syyslukukausi 2018  -  Autumn Term 2018 8. syyskuuta           8th September 22. syyskuuta         22nd September 6. lokakuuta           6th October 20. lokakuuta         20th October 3. marraskuuta      3rd November 10. marraskuuta    10th November 8. joulukuuta          8th December             Joulujuhla/Christmas Party Just kind reminder that Autumn Term starts soon. See above the dates for school.days. You all are most welcome to learn Finnish language, spend time with friends and enjoy all Finnish delicacies in our cafe and our shop. See you on 8th September.

Suomi-koulujen opettajien koulutuspäivät 2018, Helsinki

Opetushallituksen, Suomi Seura ry:n ja Suomi-koulu tuki ry:n järjestämät vuotuiset Suomi-koulujen opettajien koulutuspäivät  31.07 - 01.08.2018 keräsivät koolle lähes Suomi-koulujen opettajaa ympäri maailman . Koulutuspäivien teemana oli "Koivu ja tähti - Topeliuksesta tähän päivään". Ensimmäisen päivän luentojen aiheina olivat - "Kaikki, jotka pitävät ja rakastavat tätä maata isänmaanansa ...    - topeliaaninen nationalismi eilen ja tänään - "Maammekirjasta monilukutaitoon". Tästä jatkoimme eri työpajoihin aiheella: "Suomikoululaisen omaa ääntä etsimässä" Esimerkki yhdestä työpajasta: "Massasta Uniikkiin" Poptaiteilija Mari Kasurinen  Työpajassa kustomoidaan uniikki teos. Materiaaleina käytetään pehmoleluja, joiden osista (päästä, jaloista, käsistä, korvista, yms.) kootaan uudelleen ennennäkemätön, mielikuvituksellinen olio. Kokoamisessa käytetään aloittelijaystävällisiä menetelmiä, kuten kuumaliimaamista sekä ompelua neulall...

The Flag Day of the Finnish Defense Forces

Monday 4th of June Embassy of Finland 14 Kensington Palace Garden What a lovely evening to celebrate the Flag Day of the Finnish Defence Forces with all guests and warm welcoming hosts Colonel and Mrs Janne Ilomäki and The Ambassabor of Finland, Ms Päivi Luostarinen. Finnish Defense Forces celebrate 100 years this year. Colonel Janne Ilomäki Finland's Defence Attache leave the assignments and return back to Finland. There were great feelings of celebration, farewell, friendship, togetherness and be proud to be a Finn for so many good reasons. Great food, good drinks, beautiful flowers, great music with good friends. What else you can wish for. Thank you ever so much. (Pictures: Kari Henrik Tumelius)

Juhlat Irikselle - Celebration for Iris

Yesterday, 5 May 2018, was a special occasion for the Manchester Finnish School, as we witnessed and celebrated the award of the Knight of the Order of the Lion of Finland to our most honoured member, Iris Mclintock . This richly deserved award is a reflection of the part Iris played in the foundation of the Suomikoulu in Manchester, the leadership and inspiration she has provided in the school and also among Finns in Manchester and beyond; and last but not least, her astonishingly long career teaching students of the Finnish language. The honours were performed by Chris Rostron , the Honorary Consul of Finland in Manchester, himself one of Iris's former students. We had a lot of visitors ! Not only did some of Iris's family come to celebrate with us, but also many former students. I think we ran out of cake at one point...! But not coffee, of course. To be serious, there is profound love and appreciation for Iris in our community, and it goes well beyond the...


Runeberg cake competition! Yes, it's helmikuu/February once more, and we can't resist baking and tasting those delicious Runeberg cakes . Sparing a thought or two for Finland's national poet, whose wife invented these excellent delicacies. Pictured above is a selection of the cakes baked for today, on sale in the school's cafe; and to the right, there's Päivi supervising the supply of snacks and coffee. Heidi organised a competition, which resulted in four different offerings, created in a variety of different styles as you can see. Some with alcohol, some not. The judges - pictured below, with the remains of the competition entries - gathered, tasted, conferred, and though sadly unable to appreciate the estimable qualities of Number 2, passed down their judgement; Kari was indeed the baker of the best Runeberg cakes. This year, anyway!

Artikkeli koulustamme

Kielibaarissa on hieno artikkeli Manchesterin Suomi-koulusta. Artikkelin on kirjoittanut koulumme aikuisryhmän opettaja Tuula Keränen. Alla linkki artikkeliin:

Kevätkausi 2018 alkaa. New Spring Season starts.

Hyvää alkanutta uutta vuotta 2018. Taasen olisi aika aloittaa uusi kev ätkausi Manchesterin Suomi-koulussa. Tervetuloa ensi lauantaina 13.01. klo 10.00 niin kaikki vanhat ja kuin uudetkin, lapset ja aikuiset op iskelijat mukaan iloiseen joukkoomme. Happy New Year 2018. It is time to start a new spring season at the Manchester School in Finland. Welcome next Saturday 13.01. at 10.00, all the old and new, children and adult students join us in our joyful team.