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Showing posts from October, 2018

Easy fundraising

Whether it’s your weekly food shopping or Christmas present orders please remember to activate your Easyfundraising before you visit online retailers and help raise some cashback for the Finnish School in Manchester at no cost to yourself! If you haven’t already signed up please do so, it only takes a couple of minutes and really helps boost our fundraising - please click on the following link to register:

Welcome to the theater! Tervetuloa teatteriin!

"The Soiva Sammakko is alone in the entire Aarnitammi because Petula Owl is on the way. Soiva Sammakko reads a book that tells about ufo and may be a bit too exciting because Soiva can not sleep. "But there is no ufo in Loiskulampi" he feels comforted and turned off the reading lamp. Just when he is falling asleep, there is a strange plop in the pond. The frog flies up from the bed and looks at the pond. "There seems to be something floating wonders the frog? " The Theater The Soiva Sammakko arrives at the Finnish School in Manchester on Saturday 20.10.18. The show starts at 10:30 and ends at around 11 am. After the show there is the opportunity to attend the workshop at 11:30 - 12:00 (limited places). Bunting: Theater free for members of the Suomi School of Manchester Workshop children £ 3 (adults free with children included) During the break the café and the shop are opening where a variety goodies and hot and cold drinks will be available. ...