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Showing posts from June, 2017

Our 40th Anniversary Party!

Here it is, coming very soon! The time is near, for the Manchester Finnish School's big celebration of 40 years in existence . It's a helluva thing, when you think about it. Not so much the sheer length of time, because many clubs and societies and voluntary groups carry on for decades or even the odd century. But it's an impressive status because it represents a very special continuity, of Finnish people in the North West and in Manchester in particular. The first generation came here and set up the School in the Sixties, and many are still around - in fact, one is still teaching, brilliantly, and inspiring us all! Many more have come to Manchester since; some have eventually gone back to Finland, but many have stayed for good (the craziest of all crazy Finns??). So, we're having a party. It will kick off with a few worthy words, some special awards and such, but the main aim is to celebrate with fun and good food. We certainly haven't forgotten the ki...

Modern Life!

Modern Life! – Finnish Modernism and the International Dimension is an exhibition still running at the Helsinki Art Museum (it's situated next to the big cinema in the Tennispalatsi , next to Kamppi) until the end of July - and parts of it will continue until later on in the year. If you're in Helsinki during the Summer or passing through, I'd encourage you to take a look. Although the title may not tell you very much, it's a major part of Suomi 100 and for myself, it was eye opening. The thing is, when you start to learn about Finland and its history, you hear a lot about the struggle for independence and in particular, the Winter War. Those are certainly extraordinary stories, but surely far more impressive is what Finland has achieved in peace. In population terms, Finland is tiny, and yet, as this exhibition at HAM shows, it has had a major impact all over world culture. The exhibition is wide ranging and you will be familiar with many of its elements, e...