Manchester Consular Association's (MCA) Annual Dinner will be a celebration of Finland's 100 years and will be looking to the future on Friday 17th November 2017 . To book, see contact details for Chris Rostron below. NB update 16/09/2017 including new price The event will promote Finland to the countries represented by the MCA's Consul Generals, Honorary Consuls representing over 30 countries, also local dignitaries: such as the Lord Lieutenant, who represents the Queen; the High Sherriff, who represents the British Judiciary; the Lord Mayors and Mayors representing the Local councils in the Manchester Area. The Ambassador of Finland in the UK is the Guest of Honour and the Honorary Consul of Finland will be the President of the Manchester Consular Association. Their speeches will help raise the profile of Finland by showing how Finnish products are part of everyone's daily life, and promote Finland, its achievements and future direction at the event. ...